
2024 New York Tolkien Conference Wrap-Up

June 15 came and went very quickly! The 2024 conference was a day filled with illuminating presentations and scholarship, thought-provoking questions and comments, and lots of fun. I can’t thank our guests of honor enough. I won't attempt to recap everything, but just want to offer a few short thoughts and photos. Artist Guest of… Continue reading 2024 New York Tolkien Conference Wrap-Up


New York Tolkien Conference This Saturday, June 15

Greetings Everyone, Just a reminder that the New York Tolkien Conference is this Saturday, June 15 at Baruch College. PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY—the doors will open at 9:30, and we will begin at 10am with our first presentation by artist guest of honor, Donato Giancola. All the information for the conference is at the link below.… Continue reading New York Tolkien Conference This Saturday, June 15


Final Conference Update

Greetings, everyone! We are just over a week away from the conference, and this is our final update. Here are a few things to keep in mind about the event: The conference will run from 10am-5pm. Please arrive early so that you can attend the first program by Donato Giancola. We will begin seating at… Continue reading Final Conference Update


Conference Schedule

Greetings! Below you will find the schedule for June 15, including the rooms at Baruch, and the abstracts for each presentation. Looking forward to a great day! The first speaker will begin at 10am. If you are attending, be sure to register, and bring your ID, which you need to show to security at Baruch.… Continue reading Conference Schedule

Baruch Collge · News

Visiting Baruch, and Nearby Points of Interest

We are about three months away from the conference, but it's not too early to plan your trip. If you are joining us at the Tolkien conference in June, please be sure to register. And if you want to present, please submit a proposal. If you’re not from the area, Baruch is on 25th Street… Continue reading Visiting Baruch, and Nearby Points of Interest


NY Tolkien Conference Returns in 2024

The New York Tolkien Conference will return on June 15, 2024 at Baruch College. We are pleased to announce that our Guest of Honor is Professor Nicholas Birns of NYU, who will present on his forthcoming book, “The Literary Role of History in the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien.” See the full list of presentations below:… Continue reading NY Tolkien Conference Returns in 2024


Final Conference Update: Revised Schedule, New Guest Speaker

Hail Fellowship! We're just over one week away from the start of Tolkien Weekend NYC 2019.  Please use the hashtag #TolkienNYC2019 on social media to let everyone know what you're up to during the celebration. Follow us on Twitter: @HerenIstarion Facebook: A note first concerning the events taking place Saturday, March 16th 2019 and… Continue reading Final Conference Update: Revised Schedule, New Guest Speaker


State of the 2019 Conference: December 2018 Edition

Hullo Travelers of Middle-earth, Our last major Conference update posted on September 20th, 2018 (READ HERE) which consisted of Guest Speakers and initial programs for the March 17th 2019 NY Tolkien Conference. This announcement included information concerning the Tolkien events at The Morgan Library and Museum. Since this announcement you may have noticed on our… Continue reading State of the 2019 Conference: December 2018 Edition


NYC Tolkien Weekend 2019 Update and Guest Announcement

Hail Fellowship, Our post of 9/17 spoke of upcoming Tolkien events at The Morgan Library and Museum beginning in January when the Tolkien Maker of Middle Earth Exhibition opens. On January 31st 2019 Wayne Hammond & Christina Scull shall be presenting "Tolkien and the Visual Image," which you can read of on their blog here.… Continue reading NYC Tolkien Weekend 2019 Update and Guest Announcement


State of the Conference: News, Update & Tolkien Weekend 2019

Hail Fellowship! News and Update: It has been a long journey for Jessica and I, from our March 2018 event where Professor Nicholas Birns presented "A Great Burden Without Guidance: The Six Mortal Ringbearers" until now.  We spent  May through July packing and moving our home and now reside in southern New Jersey.  While this was… Continue reading State of the Conference: News, Update & Tolkien Weekend 2019